
栏目:eas cloud知识作者:金蝶来源:金蝶云社区发布:2024-09-22浏览:1




select v.* from t_gl_voucher v 

inner join t_bd_period p on p.fid=v.fperiodid 

inner join T_BD_VoucherTypes vt on v.FVoucherTypeID=vt.fid

inner join t_org_company c on c.fid=v.fcompanyid 

where p.fnumber='期间编码'and c.fnumber='公司编码'and vt.fnumber='凭证类型编码' and v.fnumber='凭证号'


select  ve.* from t_gl_voucher v 

inner join t_bd_period p on p.fid=v.fperiodid 

inner join t_org_company c on c.fid=v.fcompanyid

inner join T_BD_VoucherTypes vt on v.FVoucherTypeID=vt.fid

inner join t_gl_voucherentry ve on ve.fbillid=v.fid

inner join t_bd_accountview av on ve.faccountid=av.fid 

where p.fnumber='期间编码'and c.fnumber='公司编码' and vt.fnumber='凭证类型编码' and v.fnumber='凭证号' and  av.fnumber='科目编码'  and ve.fseq='分录号'


select  vs.* from t_gl_voucher v 

inner join t_bd_period p on p.fid=v.fperiodid 

inner join t_org_company c on c.fid=v.fcompanyid

inner join T_BD_VoucherTypes vt on v.FVoucherTypeID=vt.fid

inner join t_gl_voucherentry ve on ve.fbillid=v.fid

inner join t_bd_accountview av on ve.faccountid=av.fid

inner join t_gl_voucherassistrecord vs on vs.fentryid=ve.fid 

where p.fnumber='期间编码'and c.fnumber='公司编码' and vt.fnumber='凭证类型编码' and v.fnumber='凭证号' and  av.fnumber='科目编码'  and ve.fseq='分录号'


select   distinct  c.fnumber 公司编码,c.FNAME_L2 公司名称,  p.fnumber 期间编码,vt.fnumber 凭证类型编码,v.fnumber 凭证号
from t_gl_voucher v
inner join t_gl_voucherentry ve on ve.fbillid=v.fid

inner join t_gl_voucherassistrecord vs on vs.fentryid=ve.fid

inner join T_BD_VoucherTypes vt on v.FVoucherTypeID=vt.fid

inner join t_bd_period p on p.fid=v.fperiodid 

inner join t_org_company c on c.fid=v.fcompanyid

inner join  t_bd_assistanthg hg on hg.fid=vs.fassgrpid
inner join T_ORG_CostCenter cc on hg.FCostOrgID=cc.fid

where cc.Fnumber='成本中心编码'



select cf.* from t_gl_voucher v

inner join T_BD_VoucherTypes vt on v.FVoucherTypeID=vt.fid

inner join t_bd_period p on p.fid=v.fperiodid 

inner join t_org_company c on c.fid=v.fcompanyid

inner  join  t_gl_cashflowrecord cf on cf.fvoucherid=v.fid 

where p.fnumber='期间编码'and c.fnumber='公司编码' and vt.fnumber='凭证类型编码' and v.fnumber='凭证号'



select av.* from t_gl_voucher v 

inner join T_BD_VoucherTypes vt on v.FVoucherTypeID=vt.fid

inner join t_gl_voucherentry ve on ve.fbillid=v.fid 

inner join t_gl_voucherassistrecord vs on vs.fentryid=ve.fid 

inner join t_bd_period p on p.fid=v.fperiodid 

inner join t_org_company c on c.fid=v.fcompanyid 

inner join t_gl_acctverify av on av.FVCHASSISTRECORDID=vs.fid 

where p.fnumber='期间编码'and c.fnumber='公司编码' and vt.fnumber='凭证类型编码' and v.fnumber='凭证号' and ve.seq='分录号' and vs.fseq='辅助账行号'


select ac.* from t_gl_voucher v 

inner join T_BD_VoucherTypes vt on v.FVoucherTypeID=vt.fid

inner join t_gl_voucherentry ve on ve.fbillid=v.fid 

inner join t_gl_voucherassistrecord vs on vs.fentryid=ve.fid 

inner join t_bd_period p on p.fid=v.fperiodid 

inner join t_org_company c on c.fid=v.fcompanyid 

inner join t_gl_acctcussent ac  on ac.FVCHASSISTRECORDID=vs.fid 

where p.fnumber='期间编码'and c.fnumber='公司编码' and vt.fnumber='凭证类型编码' and v.fnumber='凭证号' and ve.seq='分录号' and vs.fseq='辅助账行号'



select  ab1.* from  t_gl_accountbalance_lf ab1

inner join T_ORG_COMPANY  c on ab1.FORGUNITID =c.fid


inner join T_BD_AccountTable at on av.FAccountTableID=at.fid

where   c.FNUMBER='公司编码' and ab1.fperiod='期间编码' and at.fnumber='科目表编码' and av.fnumber='科目编码'


select  ab1.* from  T_GL_ASSISTBALANCE_1F ab1

inner join T_ORG_COMPANY  c on ab1.FORGUNITID =c.fid


inner join T_BD_AccountTable at on av.FAccountTableID=at.fid

where   c.FNUMBER='公司编码' and ab1.fperiod='期间编码' and at.fnumber='科目表编码' and av.fnumber='科目编码'


select distinct cp.FNUMBER 公司编码,p.FNUMBER  期间编码,av.FNUMBER 科目编码,c.FNUMBER  客户编码,ab.FENDBALANCEFOR 期末余额  from T_GL_AssistBalance_1F ab

inner join T_BD_SYSTEMSTATUSCTROL ssc on ab.FORGUNITID =ssc.fcompanyid

inner join T_BD_SYSTEMSTATUS ss on ssc.FSYSTEMSTATUSID =ss.fid

inner join T_BD_assistanthg hg  ON AB.fassistgrpid = hg.fid

inner join T_BD_Customer c on hg.FCustomerID=c.fid

inner join T_BD_PERIOD  p on ssc.FCURRENTPERIODID =p.fid

inner join t_org_company cp on ab.FORGUNITID =cp.fid

inner join t_bd_accountview av ON AB.FACCOUNTID = AV.FID

where ss.FNAME =6 and ssc.FISSTART =1 and ab.FPERIOD =p.fnumber and ab.FENDBALANCEFOR <>0 and c.fnumber in('客户编码1','客户编码2','客户编码3')


select distinct cp.FNUMBER 公司编码,p.FNUMBER  期间编码,av.FNUMBER 科目编码,s.FNUMBER  供应商编码,ab.FENDBALANCEFOR 期末余额  from T_GL_AssistBalance_1F ab

inner join T_BD_SYSTEMSTATUSCTROL ssc on ab.FORGUNITID =ssc.fcompanyid

inner join T_BD_SYSTEMSTATUS ss on ssc.FSYSTEMSTATUSID =ss.fid

inner join T_BD_assistanthg hg  ON AB.fassistgrpid = hg.fid

inner join T_BD_Supplier  s on hg.FProviderID=s.fid

inner join T_BD_PERIOD  p on ssc.FCURRENTPERIODID =p.fid

inner join t_org_company cp on ab.FORGUNITID =cp.fid

inner join t_bd_accountview av ON AB.FACCOUNTID = AV.FID

where ss.FNAME =6 and ssc.FISSTART =1 and ab.FPERIOD =p.fnumber and ab.FENDBALANCEFOR <>0 and s.fnumber in ('供应商编码1','供应商编码2','供应商编码3')


1、凭证--查询某张凭证记录select v.* from t_gl_voucher v inner join t_bd_period p on p.fid=v.fperiodid inner join T_BD_Vo...
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