(FAQ)Oracle进入静默模式导致EAS Cloud用户无法操作

栏目:eas cloud知识作者:金蝶来源:金蝶云社区发布:2024-09-16浏览:1

(FAQ)Oracle进入静默模式导致EAS Cloud用户无法操作

(FAQ)Oracle进入静默模式导致EAS Cloud用户无法操作
原因分析: 有数据库服务器操作权限的人员,在对数据库进行某种维护操作时,使Oracle进入了静默模式。而Oracle一旦进入静默模式,在解除之前,除了SYS用户以外,其他用户都会被禁止连接数据库。一种可能的操作是在系统运行期间进行了EM配置操作引起。 解决方法: 步骤 1 Kill the emca command 步骤 2 Connect to the database with SYS account through SQL*Plus SQL > alter system unquiesce; 相关日志: 客户端日志: 下午3:24出现无法使用系统的情况,异常信息显示问题原因是无法获取数据库连接,即无法连接数据库。 [2010-02-03 15:24:30,247 INFO]error! com.kingdee.eas.base.permission.UserException: 获取用户相关信息失败!请查看服务器日志,并确认是否数据库设置错误或者版本不匹配! …… Caused by: javax.resource.spi.ResourceAllocationException: Resource unavailable at com.apusic.connector.cxmgr.ConnectionPool.getConnection(Unknown Source) at com.apusic.connector.cxmgr.ConnectionManagerImpl.allocateConnection(Unknown Source) …… 数据库alert日志: … Wed Feb 3 14:20:38 2010 Database in quiesce mode ... Wed Feb 3 16:58:01 2010 Shutting down instance: further logons disabled Wed Feb 3 16:58:01 2010 Stopping background process CJQ0 Metalink相关说明: Running EMCA Results in Database quiesce And No New Connections or Operations Can Be Performed During the DB Control Repository Creation [ID 375946.1] Cause ... Therefore it is important to understand that running these commands may/will cause the database to be unavailable during the time that the repository is being dropped and should not be run on a production database unless you are fully aware of the possible impact to database availability and have planned for this eventuality 关键字: 宕机, Resource unavailable, EM配置,Oracle静默模式, quiesce mode

(FAQ)Oracle进入静默模式导致EAS Cloud用户无法操作

(FAQ)Oracle进入静默模式导致EAS Cloud用户无法操作原因分析:有数据库服务器操作权限的人员,在对数据库进行某种维护操作时,使Oracle进...
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