
栏目:eas cloud知识作者:金蝶来源:金蝶云社区发布:2024-09-16浏览:2


  1.Definition of asset:
  An asset is a resource owned or controlled by the entity as a result of past events and from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity。
  owned or controlled by the entity 由企业拥有或者控制
  as a result of past events 由过去的交易或者事项形成
  from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to the entity 预期会给企业带来经济利益
  probable 很可能的
  measurable 可以计量的

  2.Asset Measurement 资产的计量
  measure v. 计量, 度量
  measurable adj. 可计量的
  Historical cost 历史成本、原始成本
  e.g. Traditionally, a company’s assets were valued at their historical costs. With inflation, such assets were usually undervalued.
  replacement cost 重置成本
  e.g. With replacement cost accounting, assets are valued at the amount it would cost to replace them. 在重置成本会计方法下,资产通常是以替换现存资产的所需的成本来计量的。
  net realizable value 可变现净值
  e.g. At the reporting date, a company’s inventory should be valued at the lower of cost or the net realizable value. 在资产负债表日,公司期末存货应按照成本或可变现净值孰低计量。
  present value 现值
  e.g. The leased assets are usually valued at the present value of future cash flows generated from the assets. 租赁资产通常是以来自于该资产的未来现金流的现值来计量的。
  Fair value 公允价值
  e.g. Real estate investment measured with the fair value model should be adjusted to the fair value. 在公允价值模式下计量的投资性房地产,应该被被调整到以公允价值进行计量。
  Recoverable amount 可回收金额
  (the higher of the fair value less costs to sell and the present value of expected future cash flow)
  e.g. When an asset is indicated to be impaired, its carrying valued should be reduced to the recoverable amount. 当有迹象表明资产减值时,资产的账面金额应该降至可回收金额。
  selling price 销售价格
  contract price 合同价格
  carrying value book value 账面价值

  3.Accounting for Assets 资产的会计处理
  Initial recognition: 初始计量—account for assets at cost 以成本记入
  cost=the amount paid (consideration)+any incidental costs
  consideration n. 对价、付款
  any incidental costs杂费(运输费、保险费、会计费用)
  Dr:fixed assets
    Cr:bank deposit
  Depreciation 折旧
  Dr:depreciation expense 折旧费用
    Cr:Accumulated depreciation 累计折旧
  Introduction to asset impairment 资产减值
  impair v. 削弱,损坏 impair by use 因为使用而损坏
  e. g. Technical renovation indicates that the asset owned by our company is impaired impairment n. 损害,减少,恶化
  e. g. asset impairment 资产减值 impairment test 减值测试
  Real estate investment valued under cost model 成本计量模式的投资性房地产;
  Long term equity investment 长期股权投资;
  Fixed assets 固定资产;
  Biological assets 生产性生物资产;
  Extractive Industries 采掘行业的油气资源;
  Intangible assets 无形资产;
  Goodwill 商誉

  4.How to do impairment test? 如何做资产减值测试
  资产减值的迹象 Indicators of asset impairment
  Is there any indication that an asset is impaired?
  ①significant decline in market value资产的市价大幅度下跌;
  ②significant changes in the technological, market, economic or legal environment; 企业经营所处的经济、技术或者法律等环境的重大变化
  ③physical damage or evidence of obsolescence资产实体已损坏或资产陈旧过时;
  ④evidence from internal reporting the asset is performing worse than expected企业内部报告的证据表明资产的经济绩效已经低于或将低于预期。
  Recoverable amount: the higher of the asset’s fair value less costs to sell (资产的公允价值减去处置费用后的净额)or its present value of expected future cash flow (资产预计未来现金流量的现值)
  Time value of money 货币的时间价值
  The carrying amount of an asset should be reduced to its recoverable amount.
  Dr:Impairment loss
    Cr:provision for the impairment of asset/ provision for the decline in value of asset
  Lecture example1:
  ① On Dec. 31, 2007, Linda company found that there was indicator showing that the asset was impaired and tested an equipment for impairment. The carrying value of the equipment is¥10million. If the company sold the asset, it could gain¥9.2million. The cost to sale would be¥0.2million. If the equipment is kept in use, the present value of expected cash flow generated from the asset would be¥8million. Please calculate the amount should be recognized as the provision for the decline in value of the fixed assets on Dec. 31, 2007.

  a)Is there any indication that an asset is impaired? Yes
  b)What is the recoverable amount of the equipment?
  FV less costs to sell =9million
  PV of the expected future cash flows = 8million
  The recoverable amount =9million.
  The provision for the decline in value of the fixed assets =10million – 9million= 1million.
  Dr:Impairment loss 1,000,000
    Cr:Provision for the impairment of asset 1,000,000
  ② Fisher company owns an equipment with the historical cost of¥30 million. The amount of ¥8million has been recorded as accumulated depreciation and¥2 million as provision for the impairment of fixed assets. On Dec. 31, 2006, the company made impairment test to the equipment and found there was indicator showing that the asset was impaired. If the equipment is sold,¥18 million can be gained gain after the cost to sale is deducted. If it is kept in use, the residual useful life would be 5 year and the expected future cash flow in the each year is in the following table:


Expected future   cash flow

Discount rate


¥6 million



¥5.5 million


¥4 million


¥3.2 million


¥1.8 million

  Please analysis if the equipment has been impaired. If it is so, make necessary accounting entries.















  a)Is there any indication that an asset is impaired? Yes
  b)What is the recoverable amount of the equipment?
  Carrying value=20 million
  FV less costs to sell=18million
  PV of the expected future cash flows=600/(1+5%)+550/(1+5%)2+ 400/(1+5%)3+ 320/(1+5%)4 + 180/(1+5%)5 =18.2million
  The recoverable amount=18.20million.
  Provision for the impairment of the fixed assets =20million–18.20million=1.8million.
  Dr:Impairment loss 1,800,000
    Cr:Provision for the impairment of asset 1,800,000


  1.Definition of asset:   An asset is a resource owned or controlled by the entity as a result of past e...
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