import clr clr.AddReference('System.Xml') from System.Xml import XmlDocument, XmlNode, XmlNodeList, XmlElement class XmlHelper: @staticmethod def AppendChild(filePath, xPath, xmlNode): try: doc = XmlDocument() doc.Load(filePath) xn = doc.SelectSingleNode(xPath) n = doc.ImportNode(xmlNode, True) xn.AppendChild(n) doc.Save(filePath) return True except: return False @staticmethod def AppendChildFromAnotherXml(filePath, xPath, toFilePath, toXPath): try: doc = XmlDocument() doc.Load(toFilePath) xn = doc.SelectSingleNode(toXPath) xnList = XmlHelper.ReadNodes(filePath, xPath) if xnList is not None: for xe in xnList: n = doc.ImportNode(xe, True) xn.AppendChild(n) doc.Save(toFilePath) return True except: return False @staticmethod def UpdateNodeInnerText(filePath, xPath, value): try: doc = XmlDocument() doc.Load(filePath) xn = doc.SelectSingleNode(xPath) xe = xmlNode.Cast(XmlElement) xe.InnerText = value doc.Save(filePath) return True except: return False @staticmethod def LoadXmlDoc(filePath): try: doc = XmlDocument() doc.Load(filePath) return doc except: return None @staticmethod def ReadNodes(filePath, xPath): try: doc = XmlDocument() doc.Load(filePath) xn = doc.SelectSingleNode(xPath) xnList = xn.ChildNodes # Get the node's child nodes return xnList except: return None # 使用示例 # xmlFilePath = 'path_to_your_xml_file.xml' # appended = XmlHelper.AppendChild(xmlFilePath, "Your/Xpath/Here", yourXmlNode) # if appended: # print("Node appended successfully.") # else: # print("Failed to append node.")
机翻,源自:比邻星import clrclr.AddReference('System.Xml')from System.Xml import XmlDocument, XmlNode, XmlNodeList, XmlElementclas...
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